Navigating Menopause and Hosting Christmas: A Self-Care Guide

As the festive spirit fills the air, the role of hosting Christmas brings both joy and challenges. Add menopause to the mix, complete with its unpredictable hot sweats and mood swings, and you’ve got a recipe for holiday chaos. While I gear up to don the apron and serve a smile with Christmas dinner, I’ve discovered that balancing family expectations with hormonal fluctuations requires a generous dose of self-care—an essential ingredient often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of this season. Join me as I share insights and tips for a harmonious and joyous holiday season.....

As a proud associate of Menopause Matters Online, why not dive into my latest blog where I unfold my personal guide to self-care during the festive holidays. Click here to read the full article:

Navigating Menopause and Hosting Christmas: A Self-Care Guide

Menopause_and_Mental_Health_MM_Winter_2023 PDF


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